Mimi Kagel's profile

"Cinderell" character designs

Ellemern is an original character of mine, for a story (working title Cinderell) I am writing that is based on Cinderella, but with some unique twists that I can't talk about without giving away completely. He's Transgender and of Indian descent, a snarky, curious young man who has no real idea how to interact with people, but he's gonna give it a shot anyway. He was taken from his mothers and made a servant to a terrible man and his terrible children when he was younger. Ellemern is 20 when he makes his second-ever attempt at disobeying Lord Tremaine: he goes to the ball, disguised, and dances with the Prince, and that's when things really start. Anyway, it's been a journey to develop the visual design of this character:
Above: Early concept. I didn't really research what binders look like before drawing this.
Above and below: Closer to how I feel he looks at the ball, normally wildly loose and uncut hair neatly chopped off and braided.
Below: Pencil sketch of what Ellemern wears to the ball.
Above: digital color over pencil, servant!Ellemern
Above: digital color over pencil, dresswear.
Above: Ellemern and Prince Naoki sit by a garden fountain and talk.
Above: Prince Naoki Sora, a year older than Ellemern. His famjily is of Japanese descent.

Below: Two new (as of 12/27/14) Ellemern drawings! The first is a concept of Ellemern after the main events of the story; his hair is shorter because prior to the ball he cut it himself. The second is a concept possibly some point later, after he grows his hair out again, this time by choice - maybe he'll donate it later, dunno - and has it braided again. Can't imagine how heavy that much hair must be, but maybe there's some magic afoot, eh? He's also arguing with someone that's not 'on-screen'.
"Cinderell" character designs

"Cinderell" character designs

Designs of two characters for a story
