I am not a particularly political person, so when I had to design a political poster for the 2012 Presidential Election... I was less then thrilled. I chose to do a political poster of Romney, because I felt he was the greater of the two evils, but to be quite frank, I do not think either of them should have been president. I felt like this Presidential Election was full of duds. 
So anyway, I chose to do a political poster of Romney as Two-Face. I thought that some of his positions were a bit two-sided, so I give you Romney Two-Face.
This particular piece was challenging. It was my first real go at painting in Photoshop. I am quite please with this piece all in all. I would not mind repainting it but to be honest, I most likley wont. I would rather paint a whole new project than redo this piece. But I will possibly do a piece similar to it, I want to work on painting more realistic, like the torn or burnt skin. My favorite part of this piece is the right eye, I think the shading is perfect! The aer turned out pretty nice too.
Romney Two Face