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History Channel 2014 Emmy Posters: Vikings

A+E Networks, History Channel, Vikings Season 2 Posters for the 2014 Emmys. 36" x 24". Series of Posters showing Photo retouching, Photo manipulation and Graphic design. Each image had to be chosen to match a critic's quote. I did not show the first 3 posters here because they are in another poster's section on this site.
Photo Retouched, added background sky.
To fit this image of King Horik into the aspect ratio I had to take his right arm and sword from another photo and add to this better image of his face. The rest is regular Photo retouching, color, shadow and enhancing.
I had to add the top part of the background from another image as this one was cropped near the tops of their heads. Looking at it now I should have cut each of the women out and placed them closer to the center in front of Ragnar.
Had to cut the figure out and replace her background due to cropping. Photo retouch, color and enhancing. Models had to approve their likenesses.
Had to cut the figure out and replace her background due to cropping. Photo retouch, color and enhancing. Models had to approve their likenesses.
Had to cut the figure out and replace his background due to cropping. Photo retouch, color and enhancing. Models had to approve their likenesses.
Just had to extend the top of this image due to cropping of the original. Photo retouching, color and enhancing.
Had to cut the figure out and replace his background due to cropping. I also rotated him to enhance the pose. Photo retouch, color and enhancing.
History Channel 2014 Emmy Posters: Vikings

History Channel 2014 Emmy Posters: Vikings

A+E Networks, History Channel, Vikings Season 2 Posters for the 2014 Emmys. 36" x 24".
