Theres a big controversy surrounding the use of Lobster 1.4 font. Some people think is tacky, overused and is usually compared with Comic Sans. But aside extremism, Lobster is a sweet lovely Typo, a perfect solution for happy and expresive designs. I confess i love this font, (It has become in my new Helvetica)
Despite how unpopular or not my opinion may be, i decide to shape my idea in a simple image! As usual, Im not proud about my skecth, its a very quick job to catch a passing thought.  The chef character says "Lobster stills pretty delicious", in a funny way to remind you how fresh and tasty the font remains! Down below you can see the final result.
Feel free to form an opinion about this topic. Enjoy your tasty Lobster, sir!!
Delicious Lobster

Delicious Lobster

My opinion about Lobster Font
