Inspiration taken through perception of the war and the area gave the researcher reason for deeper investigation into the area of military design, where bunkers are playing an indispensable role.
‘One of the essential characteristics of the bunker is that it is one of the rare modern monolithic architectures...
...It's restrained volume, it's rounded or flattened angels, the thickness of its walls, the embrasure systems, the various types of concealment for its rare openings; it's armor plating, iron doors, and air filters - all this another military space, a new climatic reality...
The bunker appears as a survival machine, as a shipwrecked submarine on a beach’.
'Bunker' for Rick Owens

'Bunker' for Rick Owens

Flagship Store for Fashion Designer Rick Owens. Firstly the brand involves its clients into unexpected experience of fish store. The client comes Read More


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