Over the last few months I have been developing new techniques that will enable me to screen-print my illustrations, with the overall goal of bringing something fresh to the limited edition movie poster scene. 
I’m a big fan of the work created by the artists over at Mondo and they are definitely the standard of quality that I aimed to achieve. Hopefully, you guys feel I have matched such lofty ambitions and enjoy this visual experiment.  

Before I began work, I set myself a few simple guidelines to help keep me on track:

1: I didn’t want to simply illustrate scenes from the movie, as other artist already have cornered that angle.
2: I wanted to focus on depth, which is something I have not seen a lot of within the scene.
3: The approach would be as an interpretation of the movies theme, rather than as marketing material.
4: I could only use a maximum of 6 colours, although I used 5 in the end.
5: See how far I could push the Halftone techniques I have been developing recently.
Of course, like any artist I am already thinking about the next piece, but I hope you dig this one! 
Final Artwork
Super Close Halftone Details
Initial Sketch
Thanks for tuning in!

This design will be available as a limited edition print soon, so please follow me on social media to keep informed. / instagram / facebook / twitter
The Matrix


The Matrix

A re-imagining of The Matrix movie poster.
