LocalEyes App Identity
Paper prototying and market testing
LocalEyes App
LocalEyes App
LocalEyes App
Research conducted into the local community found that international students in Australia were the most likely to suffer from isolation due to a lack of a positive connection to the local community and culture. As these students are vital to not only the local economy but also the diversity of Australian cities it was vital to address their needs.
LocalEyes was developed to quickly connect international students to the rich culture of Australian cities upon their arrival and continued stay in Australia. While the primary audience for this app was international students it was developed with local users in mind.
Conducting focus groups and paper prototyping sessions with our target market several key findings emerged:
1 - They trusted user reviews over paid content,
2 - The information most wanted had to do with food, shopping and other social situations,
3 - There was a high design literacy amongst the users.
Based on these findings the design was refined and key features were added. Including the users in the early stages of design development gave much needed insight into the project.

Tim O'Hanlon - Strategy and UX
Mel Prince - Branding
Alexa Lowther - Marketing Collateral
Renee Cook - UI and UX Design
Mark Bluett - UI Design
LocalEyes App

LocalEyes App

Research conducted into the local community found that international students in Australia were the most likely to suffer from isolation due to a Read More
