My Own World      
This body of work expresses a sense of extreme calm that comes deep from my heart. The viewers can appreciate the peaceful landscape in the images as a place for meditation, as a refuge for oneself. I see this sort of meditation as a dialogue between the real world percepective and my personal interpretation and feeling about it. To create my images, I search for locations that are quiet where I feel the most connected to my dreams. When I stand in front of an open space, my eye and mind focus on something and take time to comtemplate, all other disturbing things fade away, I quiet my mind and I experience the sublime in life, the wonder of now. This is what I try to express with the open landscape. Photography is my second language. Through photography, I convey timeless moments with minimal visual elements, which I draw from the landscape. To convey a sense of calm, I portray rather cool and soothing colors as well as soft lighting. By shooting peaceful and boundless landscape with 4x5 camera, I open a door to my stress from reality, and it allows me slow down my thinking and rhythm, sharpen my soul and pull me back from daily life and I reach a fantastic space. 
My Own World

My Own World

I focus on expansive and open space where are far away from the city and close to the nature. I am using the minimalist skills to represent the a Read More


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