Virág Vajay's profile


Twin Fin Cafe & Bar
Content Creation & Social Media Management

The primary objective of this project was to increase the number of Instagram followers and engagement for Twin Fin Café, thereby driving foot traffic to the establishment. This, in turn, aimed to boost the café's popularity and improve income levels for the owner. The overarching goal was to create a vibrant, engaged online community that would translate into a thriving, bustling café frequented by both locals and tourists.

To achieve these goals, we implemented a multifaceted social media strategy that encompassed the following tactics:


High-Quality Visuals
Produced visually appealing photos and videos showcasing the café's healthy and attractive dishes and drinks. Emphasized vibrant colors and artistic presentation to capture the attention of our target audience.

User-Generated Content (UGC)
Encouraged customers to share their own photos of their experiences at Twin Fin Café, which were then featured on our Instagram page (stories). This not only increased engagement but also fostered a sense of community and by showcasing authentic customer experiences, we enhanced trust in our brand, making it more relatable and credible to potential visitors.

Consistency and Scheduling:
Regular Posting Schedule: Maintained a consistent weekly posting schedule with daily story updates (opening, daily specials, upcoming events), ensuring that content was always fresh and relevant.
Story Highlights: Utilized Instagram Stories and Highlights to showcase daily specials, behind-the-scenes content, and customer testimonials.


Interactive Content: Created interactive posts such as polls, questions, and quizzes to engage followers and encourage them to interact with the content.

Hashtag Strategy
Developed a targeted hashtag strategy that included popular and relevant hashtags within the niche, as well as branded hashtags unique to Twin Fin Café.

Engaging with Local Tourists' Posts
Identifying Relevant Posts and actively like and comment on posts from tourists visiting nearby locations
Location Tags: Search for posts tagged with your café’s location and nearby popular tourist spots. This helps you find tourists who are currently visiting or have recently visited your area.
Hashtags: Use local and niche hashtags relevant to your area, such as #YourCityName, #YourCityTourism, #YourCityFoodie, or specific location-based tags like #NeighbourhoodName or #LandmarkName.
​​​​​​​Local Influencers: Partnered with local influencers and micro-influencers who resonate with our target audience to promote the café. This helped in reaching a wider audience and building credibility.

Collaborative partnerships
Acknowledging the advantages of strategic partnerships, I actively pursued collaborations with nearby businesses. Our goal was to create mutually beneficial relationships, enhancing foot traffic and fostering sustainable growth by leveraging each other's customer bases. These partnerships resulted in increased foot traffic, brand awareness, and community engagement for Twin Fin Café and its partners. By prioritizing shared objectives and mutual benefit, we nurtured a dynamic ecosystem supportive of long-term prosperity.(Restaurants,Hostels, Surf/SUP/Kite school...)

Events and Giveaways
Organized events according to local and seasonal trends and social media giveaways that incentivized users to follow, share, and visit the café.


Developing detailed personas and identifying the target audience allows for tailored content that resonates with specific needs and preferences. This optimization of ad spend and communication enhances engagement and builds a loyal community. By strategically targeting campaigns, leveraging insightful analytics, and maintaining a consistent tone of voice, we improve social media performance and ensure stronger brand loyalty, driving better overall results.

The target audience consisted of young adults, couples, and friend groups, including both tourists and local digital nomads. These individuals typically have a stable income level, are interested in healthy and aesthetically pleasing food and beverages, and lead active lifestyles involving activities such as surfing, skateboarding, kitesurfing, and yoga.


We utilized Instagram Insights, a powerful tool provided by Instagram, to monitor and analyze our social media performance. Instagram Insights offered valuable data on follower demographics, post reach, engagement rates, and the best times to post. This data-driven approach allowed us to refine our strategies continuously and ensure maximum impact.

Over the four-month project duration, Twin Fin Café experienced significant growth in both foot traffic and its Instagram follower base. The café's follower count increased by ~45% (from~700followers to 1000 in 3 months), and engagement rates improved from 2.5% to 3,5%. 
This growth translated into a notable increase in in-store visits, with many local customers and tourist specifically looking for the café through Instagram. Consequently, the café's popularity surged, leading to improved income levels for the owner.


Challenge: Algorithm Changes
Solution: Stayed informed about Instagram algorithm updates and adapted our strategies accordingly. By focusing on producing high-quality, engaging content and encouraging meaningful interactions, we were able to maintain visibility despite algorithm changes.

Challenge: Content Saturation
Solution: Differentiated our content by emphasizing Twin Fin Café's unique aspects, such as its location, cafe ambiance, trending dishes, and customer experiences. Leveraged creative storytelling and professional composed photography to stand out in a crowded market.


