Ahmad Alseri's profile

Fingerprint Stage Design

Event Design: The Fingerprint Stage
The Fingerprint Shape: Symbol of Identity
As you step into our event, behold the centerpiece—the Fingerprint Stage. Its contours mimic the unique swirls of a fingerprint, representing individuality, unity, and shared responsibility. Here’s what awaits you:
Chair Arrangement: A Collaborative Canvas
The chairs form the ridges and valleys of our fingerprint. Each seat represents a citizen—a stakeholder in our city’s well-being. As you sit, you become part of the solution.
Three P2.9 Screens: Portals to Transformation
These massive screens flank the stage, displaying dynamic visuals. They’re more than technology; they’re windows into our vision. Watch as clean streets transform into vibrant boulevards.
The Dirty Alley: A Metaphor for Change
Entrance Gate: A Gritty Threshold
Brace yourself as you enter the Dirty Alley. It’s deliberate—an artistic metaphor. Trash litters the path, and the walls wear faded, peeling paint. This alley embodies our starting point—the challenges we face.
Visitor Journey: Walking Through Transformation
As you walk the alley, consider it a pilgrimage. Witness the gradual shift. Volunteers, disguised as street artists, scrub walls, pick up litter, and repaint. The transformation unfolds before your eyes.
The Cleaned and Decorated Alley: A Triumph
At the event’s end, emerge from the alley. It’s no longer dirty; it’s a canvas reborn. Fresh paint adorns the walls, and potted plants line the path. You’ve witnessed change—the power of collective action.
Fingerprint Stage Design


Fingerprint Stage Design
