Mohamed El Hajjaj's profile

impactful logo for a charity that funds Science Fairs

Logo design contest finalist for "Far 2 Go Foundation"
Design an impactful logo for a charity that funds Science Fairs

Background information
Name to incorporate in the logo
Far To Go Foundation
Slogan to incorporate in the logo
Description of the organization and its target audience
Organization purpose: Charitable organization with the goal of financially supporting high-performing high school Science Fair students as they conceptualize, research, and execute their Science Fair projects. This breaks into a few main functions:
1.) Identifying high-performing high school Science Fair students potentially needing support
2.) Vetting student applicants and providing financial support to those most qualified
3.) Promoting the establishment of Science Fair programs at individual schools through mentoring and financial support
4.) Raising money from private and corporate donors to keep the foundation funded
About the Far to Go Foundation name: We believe that Science Fair students have the potential to go far in their careers and contribute to the betterment of society along the way. At the same time, we recognize that these students are at the beginning of their journey and still have Far To Go. We believe that helping them get a good start now will help them help all of us later.
Target audience:
- Science fair students (ages 14-18): The ultimate recipients of our financial support - they need to know about the foundation so they can apply for grants
- High school science teachers and school administrators (ages 25-65): They will help identify students who should apply for grants and direct them towards our organization
- Employees of major science/engineering companies (ages 25-65): They will provide corporate charitable contributions to help fund our organization
Community & Non-Profit
impactful logo for a charity that funds Science Fairs


impactful logo for a charity that funds Science Fairs
