Cici Petashvili's profile

Memorabilia branding/brand identity.

Here is a multi-brand outlet project I made that involves the creation of a brand that seamlessly integrates a visually appealing logo, a cohesive colour palette, packaging, a memorable brand tagline, and a strong identity supported by branding photographs and marketing materials.

The logo is designed to reflect the essence of  brand’s mission and values. It is simple yet striking, with pop of colour and my favourite thing about the brand- name, ensuring it is easily recognisable and memorable.

A short, impactful phrase that encapsulates the brand’s promise and unique value proposition ("Things worth remembering").

Friendly, approachable, and engaging

Main Colour: A vibrant shade that captures attention and conveys energy and positivity 
Secondary Colour: A complementary hue that balances the primary colour and adds depth (soft grey, white, black).
The packaging design aligns with the brand’s identity, incorporating the logo, main message and main colour to ensure a consistent look across all products.

Eco-friendly and sustainable materials are chosen to reflect the brand’s commitment to the environment.
Professional, high-resolution images that showcase the products in use. The photos convey the lifestyle and values associated with the brand.

Product shots: Close-ups and detailed images that highlight the quality and features of the products.
Lifestyle shots: Images showing the products in real-life scenarios to create a connection with the target audience.
Informative & Educational posts: customer-centricity is at the heart of everything we do, we like to share values that drive us every day.
All these elements come together to create a cohesive and compelling brand identity. Each aspect, from the logo to the packaging, works in harmony to reinforce the brand’s message and values, ensuring a strong, consistent presence across all touchpoints. 

Thank you
Memorabilia branding/brand identity.


Memorabilia branding/brand identity.
