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Mimp Mag—Cycles, Issue 05

What will you take with you? What will you leave behind?

Mimp Mag is an independent and self-published online platform and print volume, based in Toronto, that aims to celebrate the imperfections that make up the women around and within us. Since it's inception 8 years ago, the magazine has evolved, but it continues to remain true to its original purpose: to ignite meaningful conversations through the power of creative imagery, inspiring interviews and personal essays. This fifth issue, Cycles, explores the rhythmic patterns of progress, retraction, and transformation.

The last issue of Mimp was published in 2018, and up until that point, the issues had been designed as individual publications, without a recognisable design system. Going into this issue, the goal was to establish a cohesive and elevated editorial system for the magazine going forward.

The theme of the fifth issue is: Cycles. A Cycle is a succession through the dips, peaks, and valleys of the universe within and around us, knowing that we will return home once again. Through reading the carefully constructed pages, you are encouraged to dive deeper into yourself. Pause to listen to how each stage contains a gift, a lesson, a chance to grow. Do you lean in to these patterns, memories, traditions, cycles or do you break them? Will you take them with you or will you leave them behind?

Andreya Klobucar
Taija Shonée Chung
Monica Thi
Samantha Hansel
Samantha Hansel, Olivia Montagnese, Yasmin Momeni
Alyssa Bertram, Amanda Schroeder, Andreya Klobucar, Ann Villegas, Chris Calderon, Emma Leigh Castleberry, Furqan Mohamed, Halle Hirota, Holly Chang, Jessica Nguyen, Karishma Pranjivan, Kristina Dittmar, Lana Beiruti, Mailey Horner, Mark Santos, Nelson Huang, Noor Gatih, Sara Fleiszig, Sarah Bauman, Sevan Ichkhanian, Tahreem Alvi, Taija Shonée Chung, Tara Hejazi, Tiana Dueck, Victoria Mbabazi, Vivian Han-Tat, Ysabel Sarinas
Mikie Jae & Johan Kim

Soft cover

200 pages

9.25” x 12”

Matte and glossy internal pages

Printed in Toronto

Mimp Mag—Cycles, Issue 05


Mimp Mag—Cycles, Issue 05

Mimp Mag is an independent and self-published online platform and print volume, based in Toronto, that aims to celebrate the imperfections that m Read More


Creative Fields