The Brand Name

The name, Neowear, is derived from the combination of the words “neo” and “wear”.
The term “neo” refers to something new and innovative.

As for the word “wear”, it denotes a person’s use of clothing. Together, the brand means “a new way of dressing”.

On the business card, the brand name has been written in all capital letters to make it more readable and to convey a more serious tone.

Combining aggressiveness, disruption, daring with minimalist and geometric details,
it creates a professional identity that can be used in a variety of ways.

Colours & Typography
The main purpose of the colour palette is to create visual tension and contrast by using a bright neon yellow.
Besides black, it pairs well with the other two shades – pale silver and white.
The typography used in the visual identity is Work Sans. As a variable san serif font (thickness, width, and size), it has been optimised for use in both digital and printed media.
by Andres

Clash Display is a family of sans serif fonts for use in large sizes. While the design of the family’s six styles – ranging in weight from Extralight through Bold – is generally
neo-grotesk in style, one feature immediately sets them apart from other typefaces of that genre: The letterforms have very small ‘apertures’. These are the openings at the edges of counterforms; if you look at the ‘c’, for instance, the space between ends of the arms on the letter’s right-hand side is very small. It almost looks like that aperture is about to close shut. Clash Grotesk Display is eye catching, but its ‘design trick’ does not go overboard.



