Walo Olapoju's profile

Blessed Fields Farms: Packaging, Sales Design


Tilewa & Kemi's greenhouse farm supplies produce to most supermarkets & hypermarkets in Abuja, Nigeria. 🍅

Their produce is excellent and they maintain good relationships with marketpeople; but their packaging wasn't sticking. ✨

Business was great, but their branding could do even better.

I took on this project to nudge customers of Blessed Fields Farms to look out for their products, and to heavily attract new buyers to their brand. 😍
This (above) is the result of their brand refresh. Here's where we started from (below).

Stick around to see the awesome packaging designs. Let's dive in. 🤿
Their expectations were simple: 

Can you make people more likely to buy our products and keep us in mind?

But simple is the most complex thing to accomplish. How did I solve this? 🤔
Here's my first iteration based on the existing sticker + new logo design. Honestly? Meh.

It's clean and all, but it doesn't stand out. So I tried again. 🤷🏾‍♂️
The idea for this was horizontal stripes as stickers instead. After my iterations, I wasn't feeling it either.

But in between these iterations, the stroke of genius flogged me. 💣
EUREKA! I would buy this spinach for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Wouldn't you?

Here are variations for different produce. 

But how did I come up with the logo design? 💎
Normally, you'd expect green to stand out in a farm's logo. But I decided to move with colours that would complement the green of the produce itself and let it shine through. 🥒

Drawing from the Japanese concept of shinrin-yoku or forest-bathing, and grounding. 🌳
A farmer and a doctor are no different, merely attendants of nature. Seeds want to grow, we just support them with whatever they need. 🤲🏿

We also don't make the chlorophyll that feeds all living things daily. So I went with the colours that are typically around green in nature.

Green evokes feelings of harmony, abundance, peace, refreshment, and security. 🌱
To prepare for print, I moved a few things around and settled on this layout for visibility and maximum impact. 💪🏾

Stickers were printed 3.5 by 3.5 in, adjusted for the CMYK colour space. 🖨

(Come back later to see mockups.)

OH WAIT! Here's how they responded:

I met up with them to present my work. They both loved the design IMMEDIATELY.

No revisions. None!

Not bad, hey? 😏
Feedback from their sales has also been VERY positive. When I get the exact number from them, I'll update this. 🤝🏿

Can design make people buy more?

Yes, if I'm in charge.
Blessed Fields Farms: Packaging, Sales Design

Blessed Fields Farms: Packaging, Sales Design
