About the project / О проекте

Бутик премиальной женской одежды, который предлагает купить не просто вещь, а ощущение легкости, нежности, невинности и подчеркнуть естественную красоту каждой девушки. 
A boutique of premium women's clothing that offers to buy not just a thing, but a feeling of lightness, tenderness, innocence and emphasize the natural beauty of every girl.


Качественно упакованный проект полностью отражающий смыслы, вызывающий восторг и привязанность у новой целевой аудитории бренда.
A high-quality packaged project that fully reflects the meanings, causing delight and affection among the brand's new target audience.


"Fashion is not just a matter of clothes. Fashion is in the air, it is brought by the wind. Everyone feels it, breathes it. She is both in the sky and on the road"  
— Coco Chanel —

"Eighty percent of women are afraid to stand out and are afraid of what people will say, so they buy themselves a serious suit. It's better to have the courage to be different from others."
— Elsa Schiaparelli —

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Brand identity | Blooming


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