M'Kormik T. Hamilton's profile

That Which Remains: a Year-Long Response to Loss

That Which Remains - a Year-Long Response to Loss

During the Fall of 2021 I was working from home for a local Community College, waiting for the day when we could all return to Campus, fearing that COVID would keep us locked down for yet another year. I knew that our students were feeling just as lost and isolated as I was, and I spent a fair amount of time grieving all the loss caused by the lockdown. 

In an effort to remind myself and our students that we were not alone, I decided to create one piece for every school day that would remind us all of what we had NOT lost. Every school day that year I posted one of these messages on the Social Media of the school's Visual Arts Department, along with relevant quotes and words of encouragement. 

When I was able to return to the school after almost 2 years of working remotely, I brought all of these messages with me and filled a gallery wall with them. We continued to conduct classes outside and online, so very few people saw the piece assembled, but it brought me comfort during that time.
That Which Remains: a Year-Long Response to Loss

That Which Remains: a Year-Long Response to Loss


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