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Landing page for an energy company

The purpose of the project:​​​​​​​​​​​​
The project was aimed at creating a simple but attractive landing page for advertising campaigns and receiving requests for the purchase of solar panels. The main task is to ensure convenience for users and efficiency in attracting new customers.

Using corporate style:
The design was developed in accordance with the company's brand book. It included corporate colors, fonts and visual styles, which helped strengthen the brand's identity in the market.
Graphics and processing:
All graphic elements were created using the Adobe Firefly tool and further processed in Photoshop to achieve the best visual quality and match the corporate style.

Design Concepts
We offered three design options - from simple to unusual. The choice was made in favor of the middle option: a light design with many rounded shapes and the use of a bright yellow color created a light and attractive image. This decision emphasized the dynamism and innovation of the renewable energy sector.
Responsive design: ​​​​​​​​​​​
Special attention was paid to the adaptability of the layout. The design has been made in such a way that it displays correctly on all types of devices, from mobile phones to desktop computers. This ensured usability regardless of screen size.

Landing is designed on a block basis, where each block was a component adapted for different devices. With this approach, the site scaled easily, supporting enterprise use through universal components.
This design case demonstrates how careful adherence to corporate style and the use of advanced technology can contribute to the creation of an effective and aesthetically pleasing website, ultimately driving business growth and strengthening the brand in the renewable energy industry.
Landing page for an energy company

Landing page for an energy company

The project was aimed at creating a simple but attractive landing page designed for advertising campaigns and collecting applications for the pur Read More
