Isadora Mota's profile

Executives bylined articles

Thought Leadership through executive voices 
It is part of my job to coach executives to find the best words to prove their points, help them find reliable data to corroborate it and find the best channels to deliver the message, to reach the best audience.
1st example: City halls don’t need to expect 5G networks to be smarter and sustainable, Atilio Rulli affirmed
In the middle of a 5G discussion, the executive had to demystify the complexity of smart cities concept. He wanted to enlarge the idea of smart cities beyond connectivity technology, building an understanding of to be “smart” a city hall just need to practice some administrations’ best practices and the technology is a plus. The article was published at Poder 360, a Brasilia (DF) news portal addressed to public leaders.

2nd Example: Artificial Intelligence for Startups, The Time is Now
In this article our challenge was to spread AI discussion to different audiences, outside of technicians’ circles, so we could give the small and medium business unit the support they needed to gain market with AI solution. Our objective was to show that AI is a reality for every company despite their size or industry sector. Moreover, we wanted to demystify the common knowledge that AI is a complex technology, as well as to emphasize the best practices over how to use it. Since we were aware that the Brazilian entrepreneurs’ ecosystem is seeking knowledge, we concluded that the best strategy was to publish an article signed by a prestigious entrepreneur and Microsoft’s executive in which he could explain step by step how generative AI operates, how it can help business grow and how to prepare to use it. Also, we wanted to show that now, genAI is a friendly tool, with a competitive cost.
The strategy results not just in a publication, but also in an invitation to a fixed column in the Startupi website which was turned into Microsoft Experts column, a non-billable space for the executive narrowed their conversation with SMB and Startup audiences.

Executives bylined articles


Executives bylined articles


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