Zekia Braiech's profile


Lighting up our sleepless nights 
This project means a lot to me as I am a complete beginner and this is the first project I have ever made using all knowledge and tools from our modules. Regarding everything that is 3D printing, laser cutting and electronics. And still learning, of course. ​​​​​​​
As a mother of a newborn baby boy, the theme 'light up the night' jumpstarted a journey into finding a solution for our personal situation. Our nightly change and feed moments. When you are half in sleep and half awake, it can be a hassle to switch lights on, and bumping into things are part of the process as well. Lighting up our nights has no other meaning at this moment in life than 'please alert us or help us see in the dark'.
Nightlight that is triggered ON when baby is crying or making sounds (awake), triggered OFF when no sound is made. (failed to trigger the sound module) → only constant LED light. Second try was trying to get the motion sensor to work what helps as well when waking up, here also no luck (code?) 
Example, nightlight when used with LED light 
The materials and machines I used along the way are the following: 
        - 3D printing - PLA white and grey 
         - Laser cutting - BASSWOOD & Acrylic blue glitter 

Photos of the process and final result are available below → Sound module not working only LED (so unfinished) 

Tinkercad: https://www.tinkercad.com/things/4oFrqWt4xFZ/
The sketch above shows my first test with LED - I already tried the 'Blink' test however I wanted the LED to be fixed, therefore I drew the board with the constant power and ground into TINKERCAD. CODE from test Tinkercad into Arduino IDE. 

TINKERCAD: https://www.tinkercad.com/things/c4dmDZziIqp-flow-1-test-led-constant-light-
Basic test with fixed LED was successful, Sound module not successfull. 
I've put the sketch above in the works with female to male wires, however, no reaction.
The LED1 and LED2 are red but no sound recognition. When adjusting the pedometer, there is nothing that happens.
Therefore, I am assuming the code is not correct and is failing. (due to no time and hard to manage, I failed this part of the process (for now). 
→ still ongoing as I want to and I am learning how to code and use the components. ​​​​​​​

