The lighthouse represents both my father and grandpa. My father loves sailing with the boat during the summer holidays. Recently the tower was our saver while we were on sea. That day, out of nowhere, came a big cloud of fog. We couldn’t see anything which was very scary because it was the first time we experienced something like that. Then we saw the lighthouse and it became our landmark point. My grandpa used to be in the navy. I don’t remember much from his stories but with this project I’m honoring him.
The LEDs will flicker in morse code style and the other will be static. The light in the lighthouse gives a signal in morse code to sailors. In general the window panels will give the signals. But in my case the light does the task. The static one is just that there’s a tower present if you can’t see it from afar. My LEDs are in a mode in a real situation.
Ps: Due to a problem with the electronics, the lights don’t work anymore. 



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