The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed January 24 as International Day of Education in celebration of the role of education for peace and development. In 2023, the event is dedicated to Afghan women and girls who have been denied the opportunity to receive formal education. Unfortunately, this is also the situation of most Nigerian girls as 60 per cent of over 10 million out-of-school children are girls. Globally, there are 118.5 million girls out of school.
OVER the past six years, Nigeria has witnessed a troubling trend in boat accidents, with 1,204 lives lost between January 2018 and October 2023; data collated by The ICIR shows the grim reality of safety concerns on the nation’s waterways. This means 17 people die monthly from boat mishaps when 1,204 is divided by the 70 months within the review period. In the past six years, media reports have recorded boat accidents and casualties in 25 of Nigeria’s 36 states, plus the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).
Recent events show that climate change affects learning environments, disrupts the learning process, and contributes to out-of-school children. The Children’s Climate Risk Index ranks Nigeria as one of the nations where children are MOST AT RISK due to environmental stresses and extreme weather events.





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