Aluisio Cervelle Santos's profile

Mundo Estranho - Spirits Cover

It's the first time I draw a cover for a magazine in Brazil, so it was cool! This one is for a Mundo Estranho magazine's special edition about spirits and the like. They requested me to work in a painterly manner akin to a Conan piece I have, and lots, lots of bubbly clouds.
The final thing.
Early rough study, with color composition.
They thought it was going to turn out similar to another cover they have in the streets, so they asked me a more sundownish pallete.
All refined now.
And the final piece, after some editing and feedback. More saturation and more clouds!
Thanks for looking!
Mundo Estranho - Spirits Cover

Mundo Estranho - Spirits Cover

Cover for Mundo Estranho's special edition about Spirits.
