7 Deadly Sins (Money is the root of all evil)

Making a magazine about the 7 deadly sins and having a common theme among all the sins. I used the theme money for my magazine. I also used gold as an overall theme visually. I combined both analog and digital images to create this booklet. Each page had specific requirements for how to create the image:

Lust: found print / collage
Gluttony: typography based 
Greed: personal photograph, full color
Sloth: personal photograph, duotone
Wrath: found object
Envy: found image with handwritten type
Pride: constructed image, type included

After I was done creating the magazine I sent it off to a print shop in the UK to be printed out on newspaper. This taught me how to correctly organize my files for print and make sure I had enough time to receive the package in the mail. If you want to see my raw images they will be in my dropmark. Click Here

For this page I found images online and printed them out then made a college with all the found images to show marrying for money using images only. 
For this page i found an image of a person admiring the rich and used hand lettering to say " I want what they have". I added gold texture over the text to complete the image. 
For this spread I used objects that I thought symbolized wealth and laid them out in a pleasing way. 
7 Deadly Sins

7 Deadly Sins


Creative Fields