Laura Churchill's profile

7 Deadly Sins - Entertainment

Seven Deadly Sins

This project was an exploration of the Seven Deadly Sins, centered around the theme of Entertainment. 

Images were sourced online, in print material, or shot for this project. For a closer look at the found images, here is the Dropmark.

Images were edited in Photoshop and placed in a 20 page Indesign document. The file was submitted to a print shop and printed in CMYK in 11.37 x 14.97 tabloid. 
The front cover shows an empty theater. An ominous red tone was applied to the image. The intention behind this photo was to create a sense of foreboding, as if the viewer is waiting alone in a dark theater to catch a show, with a vague unease that something or someone is watching. A theater is a place designated to watch others on screen or stage to be entertained, so there is strong irony to this image. The back cover shows a ferris wheel at night, at a dizzying angle, which is a commentary about seeking endless thrills and pursuing pleasure above all else.  
This spread shows Greedy Entertainment. The model is lit up by the slot machines, in the casino for a good time, fueled by the hunger for money.
This spread depicts the sin of Sloth in Entertainment. The model's face is completely covered by content emitted by his phone. 
This spread is a depiction of Pride in Entertainment. The life of an influencer is often presented one-dimensionally to the world, while behind the smoke and mirrors is a different reality. The model is partially obscuring her face with a mask, symbolically hiding her truest self.
7 Deadly Sins - Entertainment

7 Deadly Sins - Entertainment
