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Creative Strategies | BYU-I Art 235 | Project 1

Creative Strategies | BYU-I Art 235 | Project 1 
The project goal is to choose a simple, everyday object that is easily recognizable and used for a specific purpose to develop creative design solutions that express meaningful ideas. These seven designs will each focus on one of the creative strategies, which are combinations, juxtaposition, isolation, metaphor or simile, change of context/environment, physical/shape similarity and material change, swap, focus. 
BLAST OFF TO BETTER HEALTH: Let Your Shoes Launch You to Reaching Your Goals
The image has a shoe replacing the rocket ship to show the importance of having the perfect sport-specific shoes on your feet in order to reach your health goals. 
Combination: Combines two things that wouldn’t typically be put together to create something new that still makes sense. 
SHOE INFUSION: Infusing Vitality Into Every Step
In this image, the shoes are in an IV bag which represents the juxtaposition of discomfort and health. In comparison, exercising may cause a little discomfort in the process, but having a high quality shoe can help us gain greater health and vitality to better our lives. 
Juxtaposition: As in combination, two unrelated objects are put together, but in juxtaposition the differences of the two objects becomes the focus.
BE ORIGINAL: Why Fit in When You Were Born to Stand Out?
Amongst the boring pile of shoes shines a vibrant shoe that stands out and makes a statement on its own. In life, we need to make a stand and be our true selves rather just another face in the crowd.  
Isolation:This strategy highlights a particular part of an image by visually setting it apart from the rest. 
SCALING NEW HEIGHTS: Shoes That Help You Achieve Your Dreams
Just as having the right tool for the job is essential, having the right shoe for the task is also critical. Here the mountain peaks were replaced with a shoe and the climber is using the shoelace to scale the mountain and reach his dream. 
Metaphor or Simile: This strategy is about giving deeper meaning to the image. Two objects are being symbolically compared. 
ELEVATE YOUR ADVENTURE: Taking You to Heights You've Only Dreamed Of
When a parachute is sailing through the sky, we stop and take notice. This also happens when we have a shoe that is comfortable, stylish and simply checks all the boxes. When this happens, nothing can limit our possibilities! 
In this image, the basket is replaced with a shoe yet still has the look of the basket. The laces are visible and become part of the basket as if it is holding it all together. The air is also visible as it is the air in the shoe that helps us to feel like we are floating on a balloon. 
Change of Context/Environment: Places ordinary objects in strange or unusual settings to convey an idea by contrasting them with the setting. 
JUST BREATHE: Shoes That Breathe Life Into Every Step
This image uses shoes to represent our lungs. We need strong lungs for a healthy life and running and exercise can strengthen our lungs. Breathing can also bring peace of both health and mind. 

Physical/Shape Similarity: This strategy highlights how things that don’t usually go together can be related. For example, objects that seem completely different can have similarities in their shape and/or physical form. 
KICKSTART YOUR DAY: Waffles & Running-The Dynamic Morning Duo
Exercise and a healthy breakfast are both essential for a great day! In this image, the waffles were replaced with the soles from the waffle shoe line. 
Material Change/Swap/Focus: This strategy swaps the usual material for an unusual material in order to focus on a different aspect to help the viewer see it in a new light. 
Creative Strategies | BYU-I Art 235 | Project 1

Creative Strategies | BYU-I Art 235 | Project 1


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