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Case Study: UX/UI Update on COVID Test Registration

Case Study: Optimizing User Experience for a Nonprofit's COVID Test Registration Website

In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, a critical need emerged for efficient and user-friendly platforms to facilitate COVID test registration. Altius Institute tasked us with redesigning such a platform, our team objective was to streamline the user experience and enhance accessibility for patients wanting to register their test.


The existing COVID test registration website faced numerous usability challenges, hindering users' ability to navigate the platform and register for tests effectively. Key challenges included:

- Outdated and confusing user interface, resulting in user frustration and abandonment.
- Lack of clear information hierarchy, making it difficult for users to follow instructions.
- Accessibility issues, limiting the platform's usability for individuals with disabilities.
- Inefficient registration process, leading to delays and potential bottlenecks.
- Lack of useful tooltips, leading to users unable to answer some technical questions.


To address these challenges and improve the overall user experience of the COVID test registration website, the following solutions were implemented:

1. Streamlined Navigation:
Prioritized the website's navigation structure to ensure intuitive browsing allowing the user to understand their progress easier.
2. Clear Information Architecture:
Implemented a clear and concise information hierarchy, organizing content in a logical manner to facilitate quick and easy navigation.
3. Accessibility Enhancements:
Ensured compliance with web accessibility standards (WCAG) to improve usability for individuals with disabilities, including features such button states and colorblind palettes.
4. Seamless Registration Process:
Optimized the registration process to minimize friction and streamline the user journey, reducing the time and effort required to register COVID tests.
5. Mobile Optimization:
Designed the website with a responsive layout, ensuring compatibility across various devices and screen sizes for a seamless user experience on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Before and After

By implementing these strategic solutions, the redesigned COVID test registration website successfully improved usability, accessibility, and overall user experience, contributing to the seamless facilitation of COVID testing efforts and ensuring individuals have access to vital healthcare services during these challenging times.

Client: Altius Institute
Year: 2021

Roles in this project:
- Associate Creative Director
- Project Manager
- Team Mentor
- UX Designer
- UI Design Lead

Work done at SciStories
Creative Director: Dirk Knemeyer
UX Designer: Pabini Gabriel-Petit ​​​​​​​ 
UI Designer: Clarisa Prado

Case Study: UX/UI Update on COVID Test Registration


Case Study: UX/UI Update on COVID Test Registration
