Vlad Krutenyuk's profile

3d analytic dashboard for residential developer

Made within Phygitalism

Dashboard 3D Analytic App
Operational reporting on map with datavizes
for Directors Board of Big Residential Developer Company

The task was to completely revamp the board of directors' portal into a kickass dashboard with map, dataviz and analytics that would blow your socks off when you opened it. At that time, the portal was just a lame web page with sections and a calendar, where they dumped links to boring, stale presentations. So, we basically had to start from scratch.

My role and responsibilities was like Art Direction, Design, Development simultaneously. I had all the components for implementation on my shoulders. Including all concepts, designs, ui/ux, work with data vizualization (what was the most interesting part), prototype development (coding, interactive builds on Unity), and presenting all of this.
The whole shebang should be all about 3D storytelling. First and foremost, we gotta have a map that's the backbone of everything. And of course, throw in some dataviz action so we can quickly, beautifully, and conveniently analyze and get real-time reports. We wanna grasp the whole picture across all the important areas without diving into a sea of charts and numbers. Just take one glance at the map and boom, you got it.
Made fully in Unity



3d analytic dashboard for residential developer


3d analytic dashboard for residential developer
