'Typewriter' Zine
November 2010

It all began with a Barbie typewriter that I found in a bin...

At the time of this find, I was struggling to grasp a starting point for my first marked university project. We were to create a zine drawing inspiration from any aspect of the Winchester School of Art campus.
Upon further inspection, the typewriter was fully functioning... a lightbulb went on.
In order to create a narrative to my zine, I sat with the typewriter around university, on the street and in the buildings, listening to what was going on around me. The overheard material that I collected is the heartbeat of the zine, with the images relating to the feel and location of each snippet.
Materials Used:
Black & white photography (digital, film and disposable), bark rubbings created in charcoal and oil pastel, scanned in with a clingfilm covering, typewritten lettering and of course scissors & glue.

Put together using a photocopier in the traditional low cost, punk zine style and bound using a 5 hole pamphlet stitch.
Copies of the zine are available on Folksy.
'Typewriter' Zine

'Typewriter' Zine

A zine created in the traditional cut & paste punk style, featuring a typewriter and overheard conversations.
