The 7 deadly sins...
An AI generated project
So for our graphic processes class, we had to make an AI generated project. AI image generators have become so prevalent now that it has already creeped into the toolset of some graphic designers, and it may even replace the whole industry altogether. In preparation for this, our teacher gave us this assignment, so we can hone in our AI image prompting skills. I have been familiar with AI image generators for quiet some time though, so I was able to make some pretty fun images. Our assignment was to generate images depicting the 7 deadly sins.

I used the "Image Creator" from "Microsoft Designer" as my AI.
This is lust. I chose this design because I wanted to depict Venus, the roman god of love and sexual desire. I thought of her wrangling several men with a chain because it symbolizes how lust can chain people up into bad practices and lifestyles, even if they want to break free, like the men in this image.
This is gluttony. I went with this design after scrapping a previous design based off of the character "Vladimir Harkonnen" from the Dune book and movie series. He is a very gluttonous character who is so morbidly obese, he requires anti-gravity devices in order to move. My original design was based off of that, but I was using a different AI and I wasn't happy with my result, so I chose this design with the current AI I am using. It looks more comedic, so I enjoyed this design more. It is still kind of like Vladimir Harkonnen, being a floating fat dude, but he looks much more lively and happy than what he is in the source material. 
This is greed. My favorite design so far because it makes me laugh every single time I see it. I chose a chimpanzee for this design since they are indeed very greedy creatures. I thought of a mob boss chimp holding a monkey with money hostage, since that feels like a pretty horrible thing to do in the name of greed. I had suggestions to increase the amount of money the monkey is holding, but I can't seem to get any good results with the Adobe Photoshop AI, so I am leaving it as it is. 
This is sloth. I chose this design because the first thought that came to my head when I thought of sloth are people who play video games 24/7. And with more advanced technology coming out, a form of "techno-hedonism" is becoming a thing. Many futurists are looking forward to the point where they can plug into virtual reality and just exist in an hedonistic bliss for the rest of their lives. The world itself is going into a different direction though, so these people are basically wanting to turn a blind eye towards the injustices and chaos of the world and just tune out while playing video games. That is why I put this jolly guy in a middle of a house fire. He doesn't care, he just wants to play video games. 
This is wrath. I based this design on the rapper MC Ride, from the band "Death Grips". His rapping and lyrical style is famous for being insanely over the top and full of anger and rage. He regularly screams at the top of his lungs in his music. His lyrics are also full of similar emotions, such as rage, hate, paranoia, and wrath. When I think of wrath, I think of MC Ride. He isn't a hateful guy in reality though, it's just his "character" he puts on for the band. From what I know, he is actually pretty chill. 
This is envy. The most simple design I made for this. I mean, what was your first time you experienced envy? Maybe when you were a kid, your classmate had a toy you didn't have, or maybe a chocolate bar, and you had nothing. That is basically the gist of how everyone experienced envy for the first time
This is pride. The last sin on this list. I went with a guy pointing at his own reflection, smiling, while in the midst of a trashy environment. I thought this communicated a scene of a man viewing himself better than everything around him, in which he deems as trash. 
The 7 Deadly Sins

The 7 Deadly Sins


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