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Catec Gases — A Hydria Company.

Catec Gases
A Hydria Company.

Catec Gases, a division of Hydria, specializes in advanced Type IV compressed gas transportation and storage solutions. They have pioneered the development of highly efficient and safety-enhanced modules that serve the renewable hydrogen fuel industry.

The goal was to create a logo and brand identity that reflected Catec Gases' dedication to compressed gas innovation, efficiency, and safety.

Objective: The purpose was to develop a visual brand that, in keeping with their market-leading position, communicates Catec Gases' technical expertise and compatibility with sustainable energy solutions

Process: Having worked in branding and logo design for a long time, the first step was to learn about Catec Gases' basic principles and technology foundations. Following study of competitor images and market trends, initial logo designs were created with an emphasis on components representing creativity, accuracy, and environmental concern. 

The design was refined both in terms of appearance and utility via numerous revisions and feedback collection

Solution: The final logo design encapsulates Catec Gases' innovative approach with a stylized “C” that subtly hints at a compressed cylinder, conveying strength and reliability. The blue color palette represents the company’s commitment to clean, sustainable solutions, and the modern, clear typeface ensures legibility and professional appearance across various applications.

Project - Catec Gases Brand Identity
ServicesStorage, Electrolysis, Fueling


Catec Gases — A Hydria Company.

Catec Gases — A Hydria Company.

Since the implementation of the new branding, Catec Gases has reported a significant enhancement in brand recognition and credibility within the Read More
