Wagner Moura is an actor known in Brazil who has always worked across various sectors, including theater, television, and cinema. However, it was in the latter that I, admittedly late, recognized his great talent for acting, particularly in the film Tropa de Elite directed by José Padilha.
Intensity, commitment, and most importantly, the reason I admire great professionals, he demonstrates a love for what he does. When I created the artwork "Seu Jorge" as a visual alternative for the movie poster of Marighella, I realized, after seeing the quality of the film, that I should also create a portrait of the director, Wagner Moura himself! Well, if I enjoyed the film, it means the director succeeded.
My interpretation, unlike the seriousness and sobriety of the artwork I created for my version of the movie poster, aimed to show a more cheerful and friendly expression that seems to always be present on the actor/director's boyish face. Using the versatility and strong visual appeal of my pop art style in pencil, I sought to balance tones, volumes, and expression based on the reference photo used.
I aim to present, through my art, both my unique way of visually representing chosen themes and to demonstrate the applicability of their plasticity.
Magazines, books, T-shirts, and even interview program backdrops can serve as the canvases to be filled with my art, and I am pleased with the outcome, starting from the beautiful portrait of a versatile professional who, as I mentioned, shows love for what he does.
Boyish look


Boyish look
