Humana Studio's profile

Ana Viotti Website

Capturing moments that matter
Website for Ana Viotti

Ana Viotti, a professional photographer in the music industry, collaborated with Humana to create a distinct website that encapsulate her unique approach to capturing memorable moments. The design process focused on four key attributes – Quality, Culture, Image, and Sales – reflecting Ana's expertise and passion.

The dark-toned background and carefully chosen color palette, extracted from her own photographs, convey both the quality of her work and a touch of mystique. This partnership successfully brought to life a brand that not only highlights Ana Viotti's creative captures but also positions her as a notable reference in the world of photography.
( client )
Ana Viotti

( type )

( scope )
Website development

( team)
Ana Abreu
Tiago Narciso​​​​​​​
Ana Viotti Website