Overall Goal
My goal for this assignment was to design a cohesive and compelling zine that relates to the chaos of having doppelgangers and the craze of the internet. To create my zine I listened to a podcast from TED Radio Hour. I pulled images from creative commons that would engage the viewer and move the eye. As for text, I wanted to keep things relatively simple but feature specific quotes that carry meaning.
Sketches & Iterations
Below are my initial sketches to plan the layout of my content. I started out with black and white photos, then I duotoned them to be pink and green. I chose these colors as they fit the cyber chaos vibe and mood. The sketched lines over the images mark up any changes that needed to be made as I decided to move forward with my final. Overall changes included adjusting columns and font weight. As well as adding a back cover and colophon.

Final Spreads​​​​​​​

