Brainstorming :

Here are some "what if" scenarios I brainstormed while contemplating the app's pain points.

1. What if I need to see my orders of a specific month?

2. What if I want to see my cart button available at all times (specifically on specifications/details of product page), in case I need to check what items are already there without going back on the home page? (In the current app, the cart button disappears once you go to the ‘product details’ page.)

3. What if I want to see the most popular categories first and foremost, in order to get an idea of what I want for myself? Or if I am new to the app, I want to get a quick understanding of what this app provides most popularly?

4. What if I want a share button on every product card? I wouldn’t need to go to the product details page every time.

5. What if I want the categories button right next to my profile button, so that’s it’s quick and fast for me to notice and access? (In the current app, the categories button is a floating button, which overlaps certain elements on the app)

6. What if I need to see my previous searches of last week, especially when I don't remember a particular product I searched for, but didn't end up ordering?

7. What if I need to a Wishlist for all my favorite chocolates to satisfy my cravings, which I will order the moment I start going to gym?
Or if I need to keep a list of products in mind to gift for Mom’s birthday?
Or just a list which I need to keep ready for my weekly/monthly grocery list?

Here are a few ways I implemented all the points mentioned above:
App redesign

App redesign
