Marshall Porter's profile

Marshall Porter Portfolio

AI Character Consistency
Below are images created by a trained AI model. By training a model you are able to achieve consistent characters which could be used for games such as, storytelling games, RPG character portraits etc.
Environmental Design
I have a passion for retro RPG aesthetic and enjoy creating worlds and lore. Below are some scenes created in Dreams, on PS5.
Evil Skeleton GIF
Designed in Adobe Illustrator, Animated in Spriter.
2 tracks that were created for my RPG game Dark Town.
Below is a turn-based battle which was created for my game Battlemon. 
Character Rig
Below is a character rig, with animations, which was created in Unity for my game Dark Town.
Sonic Swipe
A  prototype for a mobile game starring Sonic the Hedgehog. Move around the screen to collect rings.
Dark Town - Turn Based Battle
Another turn-based battle, this time for Dark Town.
Zombies vs. Cacti Animation
An animation created for a college assignment. My first time ever animating
Randomly generated planets
I am currently working on a space exploration game which has randomly generated planets. Below are some of those generations.
Sketch vs. Final
Here are some blocked out scenes and their final versions.
Untitled RPG
Below is a game I'm working on which uses a retro aesthetic and very simple design. However it has a large branching narrative with deep lore and many quests.
Hero Skeleton GIF
Designed in Adobe Illustrator, Animated in Spriter.
Invaders from Space
A side scrolling game that uses 2d AI assets.
Impy Award
A few years ago I was received an Impy award for 'Excellence in Environmental Art' at the annual Dreams award show, hosted by Media Molecule.
Dialogue and scenario writing
Below is an example of my ability to write and direct a game scenario.
Environmental Scene
Below is a video showcases a couple of scenes created in Dreams on PS5.
Dark Town Trailer
Below is a trailer containing a culmination of work on Dark Town over the past few years.
Pollution Warrior Prototype
Below is a prototype for a 2-player game I made last year in college.
Marshall Porter Portfolio

Marshall Porter Portfolio


Creative Fields