Please, turn on this magical sound👆

Hello everyone! I am excited to share with you my personal art project called "Laboratorium." The name of the project perfectly encapsulates its core idea. This project became my own laboratory where I could explore my full potential. The task I set for myself was to create a complex scene that incorporates various types of simulations, elements of product design, and detailed set design.

Let's delve deeper and explore my workflow.

Move the slider to see the actual geometry of the scene

To start my creative process, I begin by sketching out the main idea that comes to mind. I try to make it as quick as possible to experiment with various combinations of elements. 
The final concept that was delivered in production can be seen in the first image.

The second image shows a finalized model I crafted using the Plasticity software. This software follows CAD rules, which gives creators more freedom and flexibility when it comes to hard surface modeling. Although there were some changes made along the way, the main components of the concept are still present and accounted for.

The first GIF shows the evolution of the materials and the overall scene in C4D. 
It demonstrates how I created the environment layer by layer around a device. 

The second GIF showcases the light setup. The lights are turned on one by one, starting with HDRI and finishing with colored FX lights.

Various surface imperfections in complicated shaders enhance realism, creating the impression of well-used objects and adding a layer of perception to the scene.

By the way, most of the project's time is spent on creating materials for the items in the scene.
To significantly reduce production time, I utilized pre-made objects that were in stock or provided in the C4D library to create the surrounding elements.

I brought my environment to life by placing assets randomly to create the impression of human presence outside the frame, which is crucial for the frame's atmosphere.

The futuristic textures of the sound complement the visual details, such as blinking lights, smoke that moves along tubes, or a breathing polyethylene part. All these small things work together to elevate feeling to a new level. A big shot out to Native Outsider for his exceptional work in providing this perfect final touch!

Move the slider to see the actual geometry of the scene! 

Thank you for your attention to this project! I hope you like it.
Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback in the comments.
Would you like to collaborate on a project? Feel free to contact me!


Cinema 4D; RedShift Renderer; Plasticity; DaVinci Resolve; Adobe Photoshop



