Diego Stella's profile

Articles and Linkedin posts

Short LinkedIn post for Rafael Soto, CEO of Modo.

Yesterday, I was alone in the office after a team meeting, and I began to reflect on the journey we have already taken and the path we are forging with MODO. Today, we can say that we have revolutionized the way you can manage your money, and that's why I believe it's important, and it can be inspiring, to highlight some points on how we managed to drive cultural change regarding what open banking and financial innovation entail.

Teamwork: I'm not only referring to the effort of the MODO team but also to the team we formed with banks, cards, and merchants. We managed to integrate and unify all key players into a single application accessible from your phone.

Focus on security: We recognized that one of the challenges was to offer a 100% secure application that both users and merchants and banks trust. Day by day, we stay updated to ensure security.

Everything in one app: Previously, it was unthinkable to centralize all transactions in one place due to complexity and obstacles. However, we achieved it. Now, we can transfer money with just the phone number, pay with various types of QR codes specific to each transaction, and select the payment card without needing to have it on hand or access online banking. We simplified the entire process.

Exclusive benefits: If you use more than one bank on MODO, we offer you promotions with quick refunds. Additionally, we provide a wide variety of exclusive promotions and discounts at associated merchants.

Connection with the digital world: With MODO, you can recharge your Movistar, Claro, Personal, and Tuenti lines, and make purchases in online stores without leaving home. Furthermore, we have a map of merchants with exclusive promotions near you.
At MODO, we didn't just offer a digital wallet but a unique experience when using the virtual wallet. We provided a superior solution to those existing in the market, a solution that was necessary and, above all, inevitable.

Do you think there might be other factors that have helped or are helping MODO's success? I'm all ears!

Short LinkedIn post crafted for a global recruiter specializing in remote workers.

Good morning global talents! As everyone knows communication is crucial to success in any job, but it becomes even more important in remote work. Without the casual interaction of the office; like the coffee machine, we must be proactive to maintain effective communication.

Scheduled meetings: Scheduled meetings are key to empowering work. Coordinating days and times to keep the team organized and see progress, fosters workers engagement.

Unscheduled meetings: Sometimes scheduled meetings are not enough, so be open to spontaneous meetings where doubts can be cleared and collaboration can be enhanced.

Be clear: Expressing your ideas clearly and concisely, being direct and brief will help keep meetings from dragging on. Make the most of the time!

Empathy: Be empathetic when answering emails, discussing proposals and ideas. It's not only about what you say, but how you say it. Value your colleagues' ideas and opinions, even if you don't agree with them.

Comment with other communication keys or with stories of good or bad communication :) We read you!
Article crafted for a business school website

Overcome stage fright: 3 tips to speak in public with confidence
Public speaking is a fundamental skill that every entrepreneur and business professional should master. Although it may seem like a daunting task, with the right preparation and mindset, anyone can become an effective and persuasive speaker. Below we share with you 3 key tips to help the speaker face this challenge with confidence and success.

1.    Visualize enjoying the moment 
1.1 Mental preparation 
Before the Presentation If it's your first time or one of the first times speaking in public, take a few minutes before the presentation to close your eyes and visualize yourself speaking to the audience. At this moment, don't worry about the content of the talk; simply focus on enjoying the moment. Imagine that you're sharing your ideas with confidence and clarity, and feel the positive energy coming from the audience and embrace the adrenaline you feel inside.

1.2 The importance of a positive attitude
 Having a positive and optimistic attitude can make a big difference in how you feel and how others perceive you. Remember that speaking in front of others is a significant achievement that likely required time and effort to reach. Therefore, focusing on enjoying the moment can be an excellent way to captivate the audience and ensure the success of the presentation.

1.3 Relaxation and breathing techniques
 Relaxation and breathing techniques can be useful tools to calm nerves and boost confidence before speaking in public. Practice deep breathing and muscle relaxation to reduce anxiety and enhance your ability to focus and communicate effectively.

2. Be authentic and confident

2.1 Convey authenticity and confidence 
From the moment the spotlight is on you, it's crucial to convey authenticity, confidence, and enthusiasm. While it's important to have a structure or script for the presentation, it's essential to feel free to be yourself and adapt to the situation. If an opportunity arises to make an improvised joke or adopt a more serious tone, seize it! The key is to be natural and authentic, allowing yourself to move freely and adapt to the audience.

2.2 Practice improvisation and flexibility 
The ability to improvise and adapt to circumstances is a valuable skill for any speaker. Practice improvisation in informal situations or during preparation to be prepared for any eventuality. Flexibility will allow you to respond effectively to audience questions and comments, which is crucial for maintaining their interest and engagement.

2.3 Use body language effectively 
Body language plays a crucial role in nonverbal communication and can significantly influence how the audience perceives you. Maintain an upright and open posture, use appropriate gestures to emphasize your points, and make eye contact with audience members to create a more personal and authentic connection.

3. Self-assurance 

3.1 Project confidence 
Through Mastery of the Topic People are drawn to individuals who exude confidence and demonstrate mastery over the subject they're discussing. Dedicate time to thoroughly research and prepare on the topic of your presentation so you can speak with authority and conviction. The audience wants to hear from someone whose words reflect their thoughts, philosophy, and life experiences.

3.2 Overcome stage fright and insecurity 
Stage fright and insecurity are common feelings that can affect any speaker, even the most experienced ones. To project confidence, it's essential to live according to your own values, emotions, and thoughts. If fear and insecurity try to take control, the best approach is to take deep breaths, boost your internal confidence and security, and act with determination from that moment on.

3.3 Develop resilience and recovery 
Ability Resilience is the ability to quickly recover from setbacks and adapt to new circumstances. Developing resilience will allow you to handle mistakes and setbacks effectively, learn from them, and move forward with confidence and determination. The ability to recover is crucial for maintaining calm and composure during the presentation, even when things don't go as planned.

So the fundamental principles to remember are: Be yourself, enjoy the moment, and be prepared. Public speaking can be a rewarding and enriching experience if approached with the right preparation, attitude, and skills. 

Now go and conquer your audience.

Article crafted for a business school website

5 Tips for naming your startup

The name of the company will be the first thing consumers will know, so it's very important that the entrepreneur finds a distinctive and differentiating name for their business. When starting the search, the entrepreneur must know what they are looking for, what they want to convey, what they want to express with their business, and what they want people to think about their product when it is named.The important thing is to get a memorable, unique name that best exemplifies the venture. The "recipes" detailed in the article can be mixed together, achieving innovation in the naming search process.

Choosing a name for your business can be a fun and interesting process, but it can also become a tedious and demotivating task. To prevent the latter from happening, here we share some ideas and fundamentals to help you find and choose a good name for your business.

Define the objectives
Before starting the search for names, it's important to define what you want to achieve with your naming. Think about the product and also the target audience you intend to reach with your new venture.

Analyze the competition
Once you have a clear idea of what you are looking for, it's important to research the names of your competitors. This will help you identify differentiation opportunities and avoid names that are already in use. You can find significant differentiators and even market niches in this way.

Strategies and exercises to help you find the perfect name for your startup

1) Brainstorming
Brainstorming with friends or team members can be one of the most effective ways to come up with a name for your startup. A relaxed and enjoyable environment, filled with positive vibes, can lead to the best name you could choose.

2) Founder's name, surname, and initials
Throughout the history of business, countless companies have been named after their founders. Clear examples include Ford, Gibson, Ferrari, Firestone, among many others.
On the other hand, initials can be used or a compound naming can be created with the name of the founder or founders. A notable example is Adi Dassler, the founder of ADIDAS.

3) Naming that contains the main product
Many companies include in their name the name of their product or the main activity of the company. This type of naming has the advantage of quickly conveying what the company is about and what its main products are.
Examples: Dunkin Donuts, Burger King, Pizza Warehouse, Pizza Hut.

4) Conceptual naming
You can search for and choose a concept with which the company will identify. The concept can highlight the product's features, benefits, price, the level it is aimed at, among other variables. Examples include Yellow Pages and Payless Shoesource.
You can also opt for a name that doesn't specifically describe the product's benefits but is catchy, modern, and innovative. It can highlight something emotional, an experience, an expression, a verb, or be something completely invented that eventually becomes a conceptual synonym for the company. Examples of this are Google, Amazon, Twitter, and Yahoo!, companies that, when mentioned, refer exclusively to themselves.

5) Company location
Including the geographical location of the company in the name can help position the product in the chosen area or region. This can facilitate recognition and give the consumer the idea that the product is for them, as it is in their same region or nearby.

6) Attack your competition
You can use a portion of your competitor's name to link yourself to them and thus quickly attract attention. Be careful and consult with a legal professional who knows about these issues beforehand. Prevention is better than cure.

For the last, beyond the name chosen, the entrepreneur must remember that the business will become a brand and that not only is the chosen naming important but also how the brand is built over time.
Articles and Linkedin posts


Articles and Linkedin posts
