Zoha Atiq's profile


Project Title:
 Lost in Likes: A Campaign to Combat Social Media Validation

Project Overview:
"Lost in Likes" is a thought-provoking campaign aimed at raising awareness about the detrimental effects of seeking validation on social media platforms. The project seeks to empower individuals to break free from the shackles of comparison and the relentless pursuit of likes, shares, and comments. By highlighting the disparity between curated online personas and authentic reality, the campaign endeavors to encourage users to prioritize genuine connections and self-validation over digital affirmations.

1. Raise Awareness: Shed light on the pervasive issue of social media validation and its impact on mental health and self-esteem.

2.*Educate :Inform the audience about the curated nature of social media content and the potential consequences of basing self-worth on virtual approval.

3. Empower: Equip individuals with strategies to resist the allure of seeking validation online and foster a healthier relationship with social media.

4.Inspire Action: Encourage users to engage in real-world experiences, cultivate meaningful relationships, and pursue personal growth beyond the confines of social media metrics

Target Audience:
- Primarily young adults aged 18-35 who are active users of social media platforms.
- Individuals who may feel pressured to maintain a certain image online or seek validation through likes and followers.
- Those interested in personal development, mental health awareness, and digital well-being

Key Messages:
1. Authenticity over Validation: Emphasize the importance of being true to oneself rather than conforming to societal expectations or online trends.
2. Real Connections Matter: Encourage fostering genuine relationships and meaningful interactions offline.
3. Your Worth Isn't Defined by Likes: Remind users that their value extends beyond social media metrics and online validation.
Campaign Components:
1. Social Media Content: Engaging posts, videos, and infographics showcasing the contrast between online personas and real-life experiences.

2.Awareness Workshops: Interactive sessions aimed at educating participants about the psychological impact of social media validation and providing practical tips for digital well-being.

3. Interactive Installations: Immersive experiences or art installations that challenge perceptions of social media reality and promote self-reflection.

4. Collaborations: Partnering with influencers, mental health advocates, and local organizations to amplify the campaign's reach and impact.

5. Merchandise: Branded merchandise (e.g., t-shirts, stickers, wristbands) carrying empowering messages to serve as tangible reminders of the campaign's ethos.

Measurable Outcomes:
1. Increased awareness and engagement with campaign content on social media platforms (likes, shares, comments).
2. Positive shifts in attitudes and behaviors related to seeking validation online, as evidenced by participant feedback and surveys.
3. Growth in the number of individuals seeking support for digital well-being and mental health concerns through provided resources.
4. Media coverage and recognition of the campaign's impact on promoting a healthier relationship with social media.

"Lost in Likes" endeavors to spark a cultural shift towards prioritizing authenticity, genuine connections, and self-validation in an increasingly digital age. By fostering critical reflection and empowering individuals to reclaim control over their online experiences, the campaign aims to inspire a generation to break free from the relentless pursuit of likes and find fulfillment beyond the confines of social media validation.


