Joel Moyal's profile

A Glimpse Through My Lens

A Glimpse Through My Lens: A Journey Through the World of Photography
Welcome to the photography section of my design portfolio, where I proudly present a collection of photographs that not only capture images but also tell stories. These photos are the result of my passion for capturing moments and my artistic vision developed through travels around the globe.

Each photo in this portfolio is more than just an image - it is a reflection of my perspective on events, places, and people. Through the manipulation of colours and compositions, as well as the selection of various photographic techniques, I have strived to capture my personal perception and interpretation of the world around me.

These photos take you on a visual journey through different parts of the world. From majestic landscapes to vibrant street markets; from serene temples to bustling metropolises - each capture tells its own story and invites the viewer to immerse themselves in my world.

My hope is that these images are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also evoke emotions and memories. Whether it's capturing the beauty of nature, celebrating the diversity of cultural traditions, or simply capturing the small moments of life - these photographs aim to inspire, reflect, and connect.

I invite you to browse through this collection and be inspired by the diverse impressions and stories I have gathered on my travels. May these images open a window to new perspectives and encourage you to explore the world with open eyes and a curious mind.

Thank you for taking the time to view my work!
Temple in Japan
Taiwan street full of light. Extreme visualisation of light overload and advertising overstimulation
Mandarin street sign in black and white with highlighting of the RGB colours
Depiction of a Taiwanese street with mandarin symbols
Taiwanese 7-Eleven with highlighting of the LED colours
Modern skyline of Kuala Lumpur with the highest building with highlighting of an old temple by colour processing
Sri Lanka skipper 
Sri Lankan elephant
South Korea library
Typical South Korean food market with good visualisations of the buying process
Photo from the Philippines with long exposure
Vietnam road crossing with clear highlighting of the yellow tone
German Big wheel

A Glimpse Through My Lens

A Glimpse Through My Lens

Camera: Canon eos, Iphone 13 Pro
