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Sua dieta sem abrir mão do sabor, localizada no coração do Brasil a VARANDAS MARMITAS e um restaurante de encomenda de comidas saudáveis e cheia de vida, saladas e comidas feitas com todo o carinho e cuidado para uma vida mais saudável.

O desafio dessa marca é abrir portas para diferentes públicos e usar uma linguagem visual e verbal que se conecta com diferentes idades e gostos, e que tem em comum a busca por uma vida equilibrada e saudável, o projeto conta com tipografia bold e cores fortes, uma marca que tem energia e vida, de verdade. 


Located in the heart of Brazil, VARANDAS MARMITAS is a restaurant that orders healthy food full of life, salads and food made with all the affection and care for a healthier life.

The challenge of this brand is to open doors to different audiences and use a visual and verbal language that connects with different ages and tastes, and that have in common the search for a balanced and healthy life, the project has bold typography and strong colors, a brand that has energy and life, really.

Sua logo faz referencia a varandas, um ambiente clássico do Brasil aonde as pessoas tiram um tempo para relaxar, as linhas e os espaços fazem referencia a esse ambiente, as linhas também refletem varais, aonde no Brasil é comum estender roupas  para secar, aspectos brasileiros completam a essência da marca.  

Logo makes reference to balconies, a classic Brazilian environment where people take time out to relax, the lines and spaces make reference to this environment, the lines also reflect clotheslines, where in Brazil it is common to lay out clothes to dry in these places, Brazilian aspects complete the essence of the brand.  



Marmitas balconies and a healthy lunchbox restaurant located in Brazil, its language, typography and colors encompass its audience.
