Hey everyone! Guess what time it is? It's Earth Day 2024! And let me tell you, it's more important than ever to do our part in protecting our planet.
So, Earth Day is this awesome annual event that's happening on April 22, 2024. Do you remember your first Earth Day? If this is your first time getting involved, that's awesome too!

For me, it was way back in 2008 when I was a freshman in high school and part of the student council. We came up with this cool idea to grow baby trees and plant them at the end of the school year. We even made posters and paraded our little seedlings around town to show how serious we were about re-planting areas that had been messed up by wildfires, erosion, and over logging.

To help our baby trees grow, we used composted soil from our school garden. And let me tell you, we loved those trees so much that we even gave each one a special name. When it was time to plant them in the forest, it was so hard to say goodbye. But it was heartwarming to get updates on how they were doing over the years.
Kids are super passionate about watching things grow, so it's a natural choice for them to get involved and make a big impact on the environment.

The whole point of Earth Day is to inspire everyone to take action and protect our planet. We need to conserve our natural resources, tackle climate change, and use sustainable products. This year, we want to inspire you to get involved on a local level. Whether it's planting trees, cleaning up parks and beaches, or supporting eco-friendly companies, there are so many ways to make a difference. Let's start now! Thank you.
Earth Day


Earth Day


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