In this digital painting, a powerful image unfolds for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. A young woman, vibrant and blossoming, is draped in nature's cloth. This cloth, though a symbol of the challenges women face, is woven with the vibrant greens and browns of the earth, representing the unwavering support and resilience found in nature's cycle. Her journey, though difficult, is not one of despair. 

As Maya Angelou reminds us, "Still I Rise," and the painting echoes this sentiment. The woman's confident posture and the soft light illuminating her face convey the strength and hope inherent within. This piece is a testament to the unwavering power of nature and the enduring spirit of women facing adversity. It's a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the beauty and support of the natural world surrounds us, guiding us through our journeys with love and resilience.
As a digital painter, I breathe life into concepts with vibrant colors and expressive brushstrokes.
The adventures of two little brothers and a magical dragon. Concept digital painting.
DC - Aqua women, contest design awarded first place for futuristic conceptual art.
Digital painting of a beautiful Perot 
Digital paintings 01


Digital paintings 01
