Septa Inigo's profile

Interactive Stories that Boosted Engagement

Interactive Stories that Boosted Engagement
As a newly established subscription-based news platform, is challenged with creating a unique news experience that will engage their subscribers and increase retention. A team of editors, journalists, and digital designers - myself included, at that time as multimedia director - built a series of interactive stories to engage our paid audience.

Timeframe: Late 2018-early 2019
Role: Multimedia director. I lead a group of front-end web developers, digital designers, and collaborated with several editors, journalists, video and photojournalists.
• Pilot projects averaged 30K pageviews.
• Average time on page were 250% higher than average news articles at 4 minutes average.
• Bounce rate for the pilot projects specifically were less than 35%.


These are the three most urgent problems we try to answer during this project.
• News posts have very short engagement time. An average of 30 seconds.
• Users have similar engagement time consuming special reports compared with regular news posts.
• Retention rate is low with current paid subscribers (the newsroom's initial hypothesis is that engagement metrics are leading indicators for retention).

Discovery and research
Photo: "How might we" session with editors
Our competitive analysis reveal that interactive news features are a staple of subscription news platforms such as The New York Times, Washington Post, and South China Morning Post, and hence will craft a few features for experiments.
Furthermore, a brainstorming session results in these hypotheses.

• Users need clear cues to differentiate normal articles with special features.
• Editorial are well equipped to create long feature articles or in-depth reports but often finish the article close to the deadline.
• Marketing needs "tentpole" content to build up subscriber anticipation with the product.
As all articles for us need to be newsworthy, and not just interactive for interactivity's sake the following are some of the topics we ran with.

Pilot projects
Image: 3D based info and stats for the 2018 Russia World Cup
2018 World Cup: The Stadiums of Russia. 

The goal for this feature was to take readers to Russia's 12 world cup stadiums virtually with this 3D experience. However, we realized that we could take it further and to deliver all match updates that were being held in these stadiums. Marketing promoted this feature as the hub for all of's football world cup reporting. 

‘Battle’ to Save Citarum River

In 2018, the Citarum river was voted one of the most polluted river on earth. This prompted an in-depth reporting from the newsroom, and we decided to create an interactive feature journaling five crucial aspects of the river's past, present, and future. The highlight of this piece was mapping the river's current infrastructure with an SVG path.

Screens: Quiz and short articles based on the 6 infinity stones
Long Road to Avengers Endgame

We were not going to miss the buzz of the culmination of Marvel Cinematic Universe's primary arc with the release of Avenger's Endgame. We initially struggled with how to present a recap of the 20+ movies, but ultimately came up with a quiz around the infinity stones. We also attempted to increase acquisition by showing users their scores at the end of the quiz to encourage sharing.

Screens: Explaining the unique traditions of the Lunar New Year, through Indonesian perspective
The Lunar New Year: Does it have to Rain?

Chinese new year still has plenty of news value in Indonesia since many celebrates it but not much is known about its underlying culture and tradition. The team tried to create a comprehensive backgrounder that explains and debunk a few myths about this special day. There's even a Chinese horoscope calculator to find out your animal horoscope and read about your luck in the new year.

What we did next
As interactive articles proved to engage users and were able to create user anticipation in our platform, the editor-in-chief decided to create a special "multimedia" desk to create more of these interactive features. We were then tasked to scale the project and created workflow for the newly minted desk. The team designed a workflow on how to choose the best topics and timeline for what became an fortnightly release schedule.

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Interactive Stories that Boosted Engagement

Interactive Stories that Boosted Engagement
