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Kusterin Davis Self-Portrait

While creating this self-portrait I wanted to put my all into it. My goal was to make a portrait that actually resembles me in each and every way. While creating this I wanted something that would catch viewers' attention. I wanted to create a warming feeling, something that was going to make the viewers feel welcome. So, I chose to go with my favorite color brown. In my opinion brown is a warming color, a color that's going to make you want to engage into the image that it’s a dark color. A color that many wouldn’t want to look at until they start seeing the value. To create an even more appealing look I began to create highlights, shadows, and a realistic colorway. So now for the hair I wanted it to stand out in every way possible, so I created a high valued color, orange. The reason I chose the color orange is because I wanted to allow viewers to connect with what’s being presented. Orange is an eye-catching color that brings eyes to the image. For depth I begin to add highlights and shadows to make the image appear to be going into the paper, almost like creating a 3D look. While creating depth I used value by once again coloring highlights and realistic feature values. By adding depth and value it begins to put forth an appealing look to the viewers eyes. Throughout the process It was challenging, very challenging. I began to make mistakes, mistakes I thought couldn’t be fixed, but it helped me to see my mistakes and what I could do to make the image better. Doing this taught me the different types of color tones that add value, color, form, space and even texture to an image.  
Kusterin Davis Self-Portrait

Kusterin Davis Self-Portrait
