Simona Lauro's profile


Senbazuru is an immersive digital art installation where participants engage in the ancient practice of origami within a virtual space. Through writing, folding, and sharing digital paper origami, users collectively shape a collective landscape, fostering emotional connections and dialogue. Inspired by the legend of a thousand cranes, the installation encourages collaborative creation, symbolizing unity and peace. Harnessing VR technology, Senbazuru VR transcends geographical boundaries, offering a platform for shared expression and collective creativity.
Users can freely write and draw on virtual paper sheets, fold them into origami, and share them with other participants. The drawings are saved and stored within the surrounding origami, populating the virtual world with unique and personal creations. Users can also interact with existing origami in the space, opening them to read messages left by other users or launching them into the virtual sky. This silent dialogue through form and message creates a sense of emotional connection among users, transforming the installation into a place of exchange and exploration.
The creation process of Senbazuru VR begins with the 3D modeling and animation of origami and the environment using software such as Cinema 4D and Blender. Here, each origami is carefully crafted, considering its virtual appearance and structure. The environment is also designed, taking into account its aesthetics and its ability to create an engaging experience. Subsequently, the modeled elements are transported to Unity, a cross-platform game engine, where interactions are implemented using scripts. All interactions are managed through hand tracking, allowing users to manipulate origami and interact with the virtual environment using only their hands. This approach provides an immersive and intuitive experience, making Senbazuru VR accessible and engaging for all participants.


