Alice Huang's profile

The Printer Discourse

The Printer Discourse is a public art project on MIT's campus that collected anonymous responses to different prompts using thermal printer modules. Anybody in the community could text responses to the installation and their words were printed into the exhibit. Each printer module collected responses to each response so that the roll of receipt paper became longer as participation increased and those walking by could read the responses. 
An MIT student texts responses to different prompts at the installation! Posters were located all over campus and on Facebook so it wasn't location-specific. 
The view from the top of the "I want to change______" prompt.
A view of all the printers!
The rolls of receipt paper grew longer as more people participated!
Components of the printer module included a Raspberry Pi, mini wifi module and acrylic lasercut box. Twilio was used to connect printers with the texts. 
The Printer Discourse

The Printer Discourse

The Printer Discourse served as a space for anonymous messages to be displayed through texting a thermal printer. Ten thermal printers were on di Read More
