Hello! This is the presentation of the first project completed for the #dailylogochallenge. The task was to design a logo for a rocketship, with four different company names provided as examples. I chose "Axis," as it seemed to present the most significant challenge at first glance.
As you can see in the previous image, I ensured that the logo mark was a combination of all the letters included in the company's name. The rocket itself represents the "A", the rocket's cockpit embodies the "X", the propulsion flame illustrates the "I", and the smoke or fire trail left by the rocket depicts the "S".
I truly hope you appreciate this design as much as I have enjoyed creating it. I am undertaking this challenge to enhance my skills as a logo designer and to deliver higher quality logos in a shorter amount of time. I am proud of the outcome of this first project.
Axis | Logo Design


Axis | Logo Design
