Triplex Model Shoe
We were prompted to a project where we had to produce a one-to-one model of a shoe of choice. The replica needed to be made of white 370gsm triplex.
Activity 1: Full Model Shoe
I started by jotting down ideas on how I would make the shoe.
I then experimented with how triplex works as a medium for creating models by using different types of glues and seeing which adhered the best.
My main struggle with the project was figuring out how I would do the hexagonal pattern on the bottom of my shoe.
However, I came up with an idea to make a tool that I used to emboss the pattern into the sole.
I learned that taking the time to plan out the project pays off in the end and gives me the ability to focus more on the main objectives of the task at hand.
I truly enjoyed this project as it taught me to think critically and pace myself
Activity 2: Section Model
During the build phase of the half shoe, I found it significantly easier to do in comparison to the making of the full shoe. I believe this is mainly due to my understanding of triplex as a medium for model making. There were fewer curves to deal with and therefore fewer mistakes were made. I found it challenging to get the shoe exactly half.
Moreover, I managed my time effectively during the process of planning out and making the shoe.
Activity 3: Tooling Block
The final step to complete the project was to create a mould of our shoe. This was by far the most challenging of the three sections. I struggled with visualizing how I would invert my shoe to make a mould. Cutting out the inverted sections of the shoe was a challenge. Another challenge I faced was keeping the mould clean and tidy. 
Time management was executed well and I was able to address issues I faced due to having good time management. 
Final Model
As a final addition to the project, we were instructed to take a photograph of our Full shoe, Half shoe, and Mould in an environment best suited for the shoe's main use.
The Adidas Grand courts are an active sneaker. Therefore I chose to place them in a scene with gym equipment. I enjoyed this project as it taught me an array of new skills and techniques that I am sure I will be implementing later in life, Furthermore, it was really interesting to see how all of the parts of the degree came together in one project 
Triplex Model Shoe

Triplex Model Shoe


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