Triplex model shoe
We had to make a 1:1 scale model of a chosen shoe using triplex board.
Reference shoe: 
Activity 1: Full shoe
Process Photos:
I put masking tape on the section of the shoe I wanted to trace and cut out the exact shape and then stuck it to paper to preserve the shape so I can use it again. I then traced it on the triplex and cut the shape out with a carpet knife and glue it together using super glue.
Final Shoe:
Activity 2: Half shoe
Process Photos:
Using the same templates as the first activity I traced a line through my shoe and only cut through half of the patterns and then glued them together using superglue. I Also did basic supports that can be found in the real shoe to add more of the inner details..
Final Shoe:
Activity 3: Shoe Mould
Process Photos:
Final Shoe:
Props with Full Shoe:
Triplex Model Shoe

Triplex Model Shoe
